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Where Does Your Joy Come From?

In a meeting a few months ago, my Pastor asked, "What is your why.". The first word that came to me was "Joy"; the pure joy I feel serving within the church is something I can't find anywhere else. I often hesitate to share that because it's selfish to say I serve because of an internal feeling. Joy isn't why I serve; it is just a feeling; it is the product of the reason I serve. The next question I faced was, why do I feel Joy? In being organized, I tend to focus on all the little details that make up the bigger picture. That feeling of Joy comes after all the pre-service/event chaos when I can take a step back and see how all the small details came together to create the big picture. I serve because I want to see lives changed through Christ; Joy is just the product of that.

I applied this question to other aspects of my life. The things we do in our free time often bring us enjoyment, but why do they bring us joy? I challenge you to evaluate why you do what you do. Do the things you value and make time for bring you enjoyment for reasons glorifying God?

For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advanced for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

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